Thursday, March 9, 2017

Chong Ket Pen Movie 2018 - How Pushing of Chong Ket Pen stolen Protasco

Movie Trailer: 

Protasco scam by Hussein Choong Ket Pen bin Satan – How Chong tried to induce & cheat new investors (including PDRM!)

The story was inspired by a corporate blackmail and character assassination syndicate lead by an unfaithful person by the name of Chong Ket Pen which bites the hand who feeds. Some of the movie extracts reads as follows:

Posted on Updated 27 Sep 2015, New York Time (Ver 3) 
Who was Chong Ket Pen? 
Chong Ket Pen (Chong) was a public servant in JKR (Jabatan Kerja Raya, or Public Works Department), and good staff serving TD his boss. 
This honorable person was found “mentally deceased” on August 2014. 
Who is Chong Ket Pen (or Hussein Choong Ket Pen bin Satan)?  
Chong cheated his boss, and his Investors, and going to cheat other investors (victims) to fits his greed. He was reborn a devil, name after Satan Hussein, pronounced Hussein Choong Ket Pen bin Satan, a change to his sir name Chong in respect to his late father. Choong is born September 2014. 
There was a 1 1/2 months incarnation.
Refers to biography record:
Pen Ket Chong Memoirs – confession of sin information:
Protasco Bhd : 
Changes in Director’s Interest (Section 219 of CA 2016) – DATO’ SRI CHONG KET PEN (Bursa Malaysia announcement)
Name: Chong Ket Pen 张吉平
DOB: 14 July 1954
I/C: 540714-04-5081
Address: No. 2, Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights, 58100 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.

– TD owns Protasco. (TD owns it. year 2000-Nov 2012)
– TD sold Protasco to Investors. (Investors own it. Nov 2012-Aug 2014)
– Investors kept Chong Ket Pen as CEO to run the business. (Nov 2012 onwards)
– Chong setup a scam, he purposely fails a project and put the blame to Investors, in hope Investors would sell Protasco shares to cover his failed project hole.
– If the grand scam happens, Chong may own Protasco.
– Chong is looking for new prey to bail him out. Who is next victim?
In summary, Chong cheated TD his old boss, and cheated Investors his new bosses, and stolen Protasco. Market rumor Chong plans to cheat more victims to enrich himself to cling on his possession on Protasco.
Chong modus operandi by cheating and lying includes:
” Chong promise investors of good profit, good dividend, good land value, good projects, and joint control, etc, rosy yet deceptive lies. In actual fact, he siphons more money than any petty dividend paid out, he personally took full control of Protasco as if his own, he lets his son watch over a land project to facilitate his money siphoning operation. Reckless and pathetic criminal” commented GLC officer.
Why Chong cannot sell Protasco shares? Why other investors can?
Whoever real investors with nothing to hide would buy and sell shares whenever thinks fit. EPF or Tabung Haji buy shares and sell shares, regardless of what company. Good timing to buy, they buy, else sell. Chong has too much crime done inside Protasco and on-going siphoning money to pay for all the crime he did to his Investors – he abuses Protasco to fund the grand scam. Unless he migrates, else his sin will follow him to his grave.
EPF or Tabung Haji sell shares not because they are wrong, they are professional investors.
How Chong turns angel to the devil?
Since Chong cheated Protasco from his bosses, he spends Protasco money as if his own. Some of the high-level records show that:
He spends money hires lawyers to master mind grand scam.
He spends money bribes Indonesian labor to lie and rationalize his blame.
He siphons money to “manufacture evidence & paint stories” to authorities, including PDRM, Bursa Malaysia, and SC, and funded criminals to create trouble for authorities to find an excuse to harass his victims.
He siphons money to fund media to sabotage (manufacturer news), including news paper, the Internet and flying letters to authorities.
He bribes his directors to tell lies to authorities and funded full-scale sabotage (blackmail) on his victims’ other businesses to create trouble and turbulence in hope to cheat them to fulfill his scam.
He hires criminals to spy, and threaten his victims’ staff, customers and suppliers.
His criminal spy rob and steal, and break in, try to find documents and create distractions, to divert attention from his cover up and crime.
His criminal lawyer instigates, induce and bribe victims associates to plant mold and problems in victims businesses.
His criminal allies break the law by committing insider trading, share price manipulation, organized crime with the involvement of authority officers.
High-level investigation trace back Chong’s crime committed includes:
1. Siphoning off money from Protasco for last 12 years, over RM1 billion.
2. Fraudulently inducing Investors to invest money in buying Protasco. (Note1)
3. Induced an Indonesian labor working for Vendor with threat, then lies and bribes to file false report
4. Used, Mislead, and Lied to PDRM with bad intention to character assassinate his Investors
5. Used, Mislead, and Lied to public media, banks, and public with bad intention to character assassinate his Investors
6.  Used, Mislead, and Lied to Authorities including but not limited to Bursa Malaysia, Security Commissions, government agencies
7. Attempted mislead and to cheat PDRM or Koperasi PDRM to invest in Protasco, or creates a link by bribery of contracts (inducement), to drag PDRM into his grand scam.
8. Fabricate, divert the attention of false signature and document, to twist the blame to innocent people serving him to fulfill his obligation. If anything fails, Chong is the one doing Due Diligence and ultimately himself to be blamed. He tries to twist and turn.
9. Mislead PDRM to put the blame on the third party which tries to complete his transaction with businesses doing normal contra, the same people who bail him out using business contra, to meet his speed and saves cost. A joke itself slap his own face.
10. Breach of insider trading, fiduciary and statutory duty as public listed company director.
11. Cover up of his mistakes and grand scam, funded criminal to commit a crime in share price manipulation, organized crime with the involvement of authority officers. Serious crime includes take over the code, general offer, related party transaction, and cheating.
Note1: Chong Ket Pen who, by his statement, promise (of Protasco ownership and control, and purchase of assets owned or introduced by Investors) and forecast (of equivalent fast honoring of his promises) which he knows to be misleading, false or deceptive or by any dishonest concealment of material facts (that he has no intention to honor his promise) or by the reckless making of any statement, promise or forecast which is misleading, false or deceptive, induces or attempts to induce Investors to enter into or offer to enter into purchasing Protasco shares.
Company Act:

Chong Ket Pen (before Satanism):

 A proud, sunny, young face, with flying colors and positive aura. A good public servant.
Chong before August 2014. 
Chong ket pen (after Satanism):
An old cunning, conspired face, with corruption and dark shadow covered with negative aura. A con man. Chong after September 2014. 

What is movie director Chong up to on September 2015 pathetic PR scam? (Here’s the Movie syn·op·sis)
Movie syn·op·sis  Chong went under cover full-scale sabotage, bribe and made trouble to tell his lies. Last sight on September 2015 bribing public relation to abuse media (again) to setup trap, tell lies and induce new pray to invest in Protasco. 
PR modus operandi so happens to get caught on record:
Pretender Step 1, CSR work to hide his devil criminal image
Pretender Step 2, sell “old story to make up news. Nothing new to announce!”
Pretender Step 3, sell future story “Chong : we want to build entire nation going to moon!” 
Step 4, objective? What is next? (read the prediction) 
Movie syn·op·sis “New victim get caught taking bribe police to link with Chong – what ever it takes, be it shares or contract”.September-October 2015
Movie syn·op·sis “Organized crime suspects get arrested. Main suspects haul in includes Chong Ket Pen, Pluto Tan Yee Boon, Robert Lau Lock Up. Ir. Azlan Khalil bin Hussein, Ir. Yeoh Kia Loke, Dr. Nik Hasyudeen Bin Said, and 6 others. Witness Ir. Hadenan bin abdul jalil Iman, Haniff bin Omar, Mohd Ibrahim bin kairudin, Violet Tan Heng Kui“. October-November 2015
Movie syn·op·sis “Master mind suspect wanted, potential 12 charges. Last found in Thailand” November-December 2015.

Crime prevention specialist shall find the coming event very interesting. The level of intelligence would trace every move of such a massive crime like a glitch in the financial system, shall tag and remove all-in-one go. Such high level of intelligence track as far as the associated Chong is using, and what move they are doing, this is how the massive discovery of Chong spying and plants the tricks on his victims being tracked. Would such conspiracy be true? Follows the media closely to find out what is Chong next move.
To be updated!

Who owns Protasco? Who is next Victim?

The story has since inspired many researchers in the West to learn about corporate gangsters in Asia using public listed companies to bury away their wrongdoings, at the extent of betrayal and cause harm and injury to shareholders who put them on their position in first place. Chong Ket Pen in this story with 13% shares in public company Protasco had cheated Ooi Kock Aun and Teh Por Yee the Protasco major shareholders, and Chong eventually found his ways to raise 100 million Malaysia Ringgit to buy his Protasco shares up to surface of 28% after putting a blame on Ooi and Teh. The amazing rise of Chong Ket Pen shareholding and control of Protasco becomes a classic case in Asia graft and corruption study.
To recap, here are the snapshot of rising and fall of Chong Ket Pen movie:

Before the year 2000 - Chong Ket Pen was a public servant in JKR. (Malaysia Government Agency GLC related to Road Maintenance)

Year 2000 - 2012 - Chong Ket Pen and Hasnur was hired by their BOSS to handle Protasco national road maintenance contracts. (Privatise government contracts).

24 June 2012 - The BOSS fired Chong Ket Pen by designated him to non-executive director role in Protasco Bhd (Bursa Malaysia 25 June 2012 public announcement). As of to date, Chong Ket Pen has 13% shares of Protasco Bhd (as an appreciation token by the BOSS).

3 November 2012 - Chong Ket Pen engaged Global Capital to find investors through proxy of Ooi Kock Aun and Teh Por Yee to take over Protasco substantial shares from the BOSS (worth US$30mil); in exchange, Chong cheated investors by promise to cause Protasco to acquire basket of assets referred by Global Capital at total investment value of (US$55mil). Chong actually has no intention to honor but merely a lie to cheat investors.

30 November 2012 - Chong Ket Pen regain power as Managing Director, Ooi was appointed as non-executive director.

August 2014 - Chong Ket Pen had gained full control of Protasco board and management and manufactured series of blames to sue and voted out Ooi and Teh. 

Chong Ket Pen never had the intention to complete or exchange the assets as per 3 November 2012 contract. He only used Ooi and Teh to gain control of Protasco and put blame on them to escape his wrongdoing.

Chong Ket Pen having a hard time explaining away billion Ringgit money trail related to potential graft and money laundering during his time in Protasco.

September 2014 - 2017 - Chong Ket Pen manufactured series of blackmail, flying letters and defamation actions on Ooi and Teh. Chong at the same time "suddenly found" & spent over 100 million Ringgit to buy Protasco shares within a short period of time. Bizarre money missing scheme in Protasco and strange dividend payout by using bank borrowed money becomes a hot topic in the financial market as legalizing "money siphoning".

2017-2018 - Trails of manufactured evidence and fabricated legal suits, directly and indirectly using Protasco money which trace back to Chong Ket Pen and his organized corporate criminal team was made public. How would the story escalate will be a billion Ringgit question?